Saturday, January 7, 2012


If you happen to review my older (ancient) posts you may think "Wow-that was deep." Well, I can do shallow too...

Are you ever out in public and it seems like everyone keeps looking at you? Well, that happens to me ALL the time. Like every time I go out. And normally my mind is thinking "What's so wrong with me that everyone has to look!" Like I really have an insecurity issue.

I see lots of mothers and I think, "How does she have kids and manage to look like that?!" With her perfect hair, cute clothes, ginormous wedding ring and all that skinny-ness...

Seriously, just go to Chick-fil-A at lunch time. Or the pottery studio.

So I've been fighting this internal battle about who says I have to look what way when I go out in public.

I want to look cute; it makes me feel better. But first I have to feed my kids, get our stuff ready to go, get them dressed and make sure THEY are cute and then it's my turn. I hate getting ready. And it takes forever when I am interrupted so many times during the process. And it does take a process to transform me into the vision most of you (Rebecca) see.

So by the time the children are beautified, I am tired and too impatient to get out the door to deal with myself.

But today I had an epiphany! All of the sudden I realized why everyone is staring at me...I'M HOT STUFF!

pause for laughter...please laugh

Seriously, I am going to tell myself that from now on instead of worrying about all the negative things they could be thinking. I hope it works.